Saturday, August 31, 2019

Patellar Tendinopathy Cause And Management Health And Social Care Essay

Patellar tendinopathy is considered to be the devolution of the kneecap sinew from overexploitation. It is more prevailing in activities that involve vigorous jumping and landing motions which produce the greatest sum of emphasis on the patellar sinew. Due to the increasing figure of showing instances of PT, it is necessary for clinicians to understand the pathophysiology of the status in comparing to the normal construction of the patellar sinew, the biomechanical factors act uponing the burden forces on the sinew and accordingly how to name and handle PT, as discussed in this paper. From our research it is clear that concrete grounds in footings of the predominating mechanism of hurt and most efficient intervention is still missing, and farther surveies in this country are required.IntroductionPatellar tendinopathy, frequently referred to as Jumper ‘s Knee, is a common hurt suffered by many jocks. It is considered to be a consequence of inordinate exposure to vigorous jumping and set downing force, hence its prevalence across athleticss such as volleyball, hoops and high leap. The patellar sinew is a continuance of the four quadriceps sinews and assists the extensor mechanism of the articulatio genus. The tight agreement of collagen fibers within the sinew can be capable to microtrauma due to overdrive. Because of the sinew ‘s decreased capableness to mend itself, the micro-traumas finally consequence in tendinopathy. Extrinsic and intrinsic biomechanical factors can act upon the burden forces that the sinew is capable to and can hence be considered lending factors to patellar tendinopathy. Clinically, the hurt can be diagnosed by the patient sing hurting on tactual exploration to the country and medically through the usage of imaging devices such as a MRI. The direction of patellar tendinopathy can either be conservative or surgical, with the recommendation being the usage of conservative steps for at least six months before surgery is considered . Due to the lifting Numberss of patellar tendinopathy amongst jocks and active persons, it is of import for clinicians to understand the mechanisms of the hurt and the intervention it requires.THE PREVELANCE OF PATELLAR TENDINOPATHYPatellar tendinopathy is a common hurt suffered by many persons in today ‘s society. A recent survey found that 14.2 % of jocks suffer patellar sinew hurting to some grade ( Lian et Al, 2005 ) . It is more prevailing in athleticss which require vigorous jumping and set downing techniques such as volleyball, high leap, hoops and activities affecting sudden alterations in way and speed. Another survey found that 44.6 % of male volleyball participants and 31.9 % of male hoops participants had clinical marks of patellar tendinopathy bespeaking the huge figure of jocks affected by the status ( Lian et Al, 2005 ) . In add-on, patellar tendinopathy is more common in males ( 13.5 % ) than females ( 5.6 % ) ( Lian et Al, 2005 ) . This gender difference has been attributed to the fact that work forces are able to bring forth more power and patellar torsion than adult females and are hence, subjected to greater land reaction forces ( Bisseling et al, 2007 ) . In old times, patellar tendinopathy has been associated entirely with grownup jocks. However, recent surveies have besides shown that the status is prevailing in junior jocks as good ( Brukner & A ; Khan, 2009 ) . Furthermore, patellar tendinopathy must non be isolated to the featuring universe as persons who participate in sudden alterations in activity and who are unaccustomed to such signifiers of exercising have besides presented with the status ( REFERENCE ) . Whilst the statistics mentioned above are comparative to their single surveies, their corporate consequences indicate a rise in the prevalence of patellar tendinopathy. The cause of this tendency is non known nevertheless research has suggested that the addition in developing frequence and strength, old ages of drama and the importance placed upon athletic public presentation in today ‘s society has contributed to the addition in physical strain and sensitivity to hurts such as patellar tendinopathy ( Hale, 2005 ) .THE PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF PATELLAR TENDINOPATHYTendinosis describes the pathology of tendon devolution and a failed healing response ( Tan & A ; Chan, 2008 ) . At the point where repeating, microlesion-causing harm to the sinew is greater than the sinew ‘s capablenesss to mend it, microtrauma occurs. The sinew ‘s unequal ability to mend this microtrauma will ensue in tenocyte decease, with an increased decrease in reparative capacity and associated sensitivity to farther hurt. The terminal consequence is the formation of a tendinosis zone within the sinew ( i.e. patellar tendinopathy ) ( Peers & A ; Lysens, 2005 ) . Macroscopically, patellar tendinopathy contains soft, amber, disorganized tissue, different to the expected white and glittering tissue ( Hale, 2005 ) . Tendon s are typically structured in tightly bundled parallel collagen fibers, nevertheless, this is lost in patellar tendinopathy, where the collagen fibers are separated by increased land substance and look disorganised and loose ( Hale, 2005 ) . Peers & A ; Lysens ( 2005 ) province that the features of collagen devolution ( this degenerated collagen is replaced with necrotic tissue ) and fibrosis are common findings among surveies on patellar tendinopathy. Blood vass in the sinew are usually aligned analogue, nevertheless, the vass in tendinosis are indiscriminately oriented and most normally perpendicular. Vascular proliferation is besides normally seen in this hurt ( Hale, 2005 ) . Other features found in the pathophysiology of patellar tendinopathy include an addition in the glycosaminoglycan content of the sinew and the unnatural addition in the figure of fibroblasts. This hypercellularity of fibroblasts and cell proliferation happening at the joint indicates that patellar tendinopa thy is an on-going disease procedure ( Hale, 2005 ) . Inflammatory cells are absent in this upset, demoing that patellar tendinopathy is a non-inflammatory degenerative disease ( Hale, 2005 ) .THE BIOMECHANICAL FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO PATELLAR TENDINOPATHYAs patellar tendinopathy is a consequence of the devolution of the patellar sinew from inordinate and insistent land reaction forces, biomechanical factors can lend to the hurt. Abnormal extrinsic and intrinsic factors can impact the soaking up and transmittal of land reaction forces, which predispose the sinew to greater emphasis and therefore debasement. The greatest sum of emphasis occurs ( during jumping and landing? ) therefore the biomechanical factors during these motions are of high significance. ( REFERENCE? ) Intrinsic Biomechanical Factors The stiffness of the leg upon set downing Upon landing, the articulatio genuss bend to assist absorb the land reaction forces transmitted up the lower limb. A survey has shown that about 40 % of the landing burden is conveying proximately ( transmitted proximally? ) , foregrounding the importance of right pes, mortise joint and calf ( lower leg? ) biomechanics in order to cut down the burden on the patellar sinew ( Brukner & A ; Khan, 2009 ) . It has been shown that stiffer set downing techniques, by persons avoiding set downing burden, capable the patellar sinew to higher strain ( Bisseling et al, 2007 ) . The stiffness of the leg inhibits the daze soaking up mechanism of the quadriceps hence more ground reaction force is transmitted upwards towards the articulatio genus. Forefoot positioning on landing The optimum landing technique is one which reduces the sum of perpendicular land reaction force transmitted upwards. Evidence suggests that forefoot landing can cut down land reaction forces by 25 % if combined with hip or knee flexure ( Brukner & A ; Khan, 2009 ) . Therefore, set downing level footed increases the sum of land reaction force applied to the organic structure and familial upwards towards the articulatio genus, finally seting more emphasis on the patellar sinew. Muscle failing Failing of the gluteal, quadriceps and calf musculuss contribute to altered biomechanics of the patellar sinew ( Brukner & A ; Khan, 2009 ) . Diminished map of these musculus groups alter the daze soaking up of the land reaction force, weariness and alter motion forms ( Brukner & A ; Khan, 2009 ) . Each of these factors will act upon the sum of emphasis applied to the kneecap sinew. Pronation Initially it was thought that inordinate, drawn-out and/or late pronation altered the biomechanics of the kneecap sinew ( Ellenbecker, 2000 ) . However, more recent surveies have shown that it is the speed of pronation that alters the burden on the patellar sinew ( Grau et al, 2008 ) . This is due to the fact that an increased pronation speed causes earlier maximum tibial rotary motion, impacting the transmittal of forces towards the patellar sinew ( Grau et al, 2008 ) . Mal- alliance and mal-tracking of the kneecap Whilst the mal-alignment and mal-tracking of the kneecap is more normally associated with Patella Femoral Pain Syndrome, it can besides hold secondary effects on the patellar sinew. The high speed alteration in the line of pull of the sinew during lading and droping motions can change the forces moving upon the sinew ( Ellenbecker, 2000 ) . Extrinsic Biomechanical Factors Research has suggests that extrinsic factors act uponing patellar tendinopathy include playing surface, frequence of preparation and type of shoe ( Hale, 2005 ) . For illustration, a survey conducted on volleyball participants found that 37.5 % of those playing on cement surfaces developed patellar tendinopathy in comparing to the 4.7 % of those playing on parquet surfaces ( Hale, 2005 ) . It has besides been argued that as athletics alterations, and athletic public presentation becomes more of import, tendencies which increase the sum of strain on kneecap sinews have been established ( Hale, 2005 ) . Clinicians must recognize that any changes to intrinsic or extrinsic factors can act upon the burden upon the patellar sinew and contribute to patellar tendinopathyMANAGEMENT OF PATELLAR TENDINOPATHYPatellar tendinopathy is ab initio managed cautiously with the immediate intervention affecting abstention from activities which may worsen the status, ice, galvanism, massage, taping, anti-inflammatory medicine ( e.g. NSAIDs ) , or corticosteroid injections ( Bahr, 2006 ) . Improvements such as recovering strength, diminishing the thickness of the sinew and the standardization of the construction of the sinew can be seen after a sufficient and extended bizarre preparation plan ( Tan & A ; Chan, 2008 ) . Bizarre preparation is a low-risk and cheap option, and should be the first option tried before sing surgery ( Bahr, 2006 ) . Cook ( as cited in Peers, 2005 ) has developed a list of exercising rules to utilize as purposes when pull offing patellar tendinosis which include: Bettering musculotendinous map by integrating bizarre and plyometric exercisings Bettering the shock-absorbing capacity of the limb by beef uping the complete closed kinetic concatenation Retraining motor forms Keeping fittingness Stretching of hamstrings and calf muscular structure Continuing exercisings over six months Cook ( as cited in Peers, 2005 ) besides developed guidelines for an bizarre patellar sinew preparation programme: Use diminution knee bends, incorporated in complete sport-specific rehabilitation Exercise daily, one time or twice Exercise for at least 12 hebdomads Start at three sets of 10-15 reps Pain during exercising can be tolerated – increased pain the following twenty-four hours is non allowed When exercises become less painful, get down constructing up by increasing the figure of repeats, increasing the velocity of the motion, and adding burden. Orthotics may be used as a signifier of intervention and direction for patellar tendinosis as they have the ability to alter the biomechanics of the pes and the mortise joint, which may be a conducive factor to the hurt ( Tan & A ; Chan, 2008 ) . Using ice to the country can hold a pain-relieving consequence, cut down the metabolic rate of sinews and diminish the extravasations of blood and proteins from the new vass formed in the injured sinew ( Tan & A ; Chan, 2008 ) . There are several surgical processs that can be used on patellar tendinopathy patients. It is by and large recommended that the patient should be sing patellar tendinopathy symptoms and functional damage for at least six months after get downing conservative intervention before they consider surgery ( Peers & A ; Lysens, 2005 ) . There is a assortment of options for surgical direction, with some processs taking to take the degenerative tissue or interrupt the sinew or the tibial tubercle ( attachment site ) in order to originate redness and healing ( Hale, 2005 ) . Others involve surgical debridement of the sinew, in which the degenerative tissue is removed ( Hale, 2005 ) . Some of the methods include unfastened tenotomy with deletion of macroscopic necrotic country, arthroscopic patellar tenotomy, drilling/resection of the inferior pole of the patellar, resection of the tibial fond regard with realignment/quadriceps bone-tendon transplant, longitudinal tenotomy, transdermal longitud inal tenotomy and transdermal needling ( Peers & A ; Lysens, 2005 ) .DecisionPatellar tendinopathy is a turning job amongst today ‘s jocks and active persons. For this ground, it is imperative that a sound clinical apprehension of the pathophysiological alterations, lending biomechanical factors, methods of diagnosing and intervention options, is obtained. In visible radiation of this, it is of import that farther surveies are conducted into the direct mechanisms of hurt and the optimum direction of the status so that clinicians can be more efficient in their intervention of the status and bring forth more optimum results for their patients with patellar tendinopathy.

Friday, August 30, 2019

What is Loneliness?

The definition of loneliness is the feeling of â€Å"sadness because one has no friends or company,† according to the dictionary. Many people feel lonely from time to time. Most often people are lonely because their friends are not available at the time or that they don't have any friends at all. People crave friendship and time with friends, but when being alone for a certain amount of time, people can feel lonely, (Marano, Hara). Furthermore, there are two type of loneliness:. sState loneliness and trait loneliness. â€Å"State loneliness usually occurs when a person move to a new place, like the person might move to a new city to work or to study,† (When Trait and State Loneliness Come Together). On the other hand, â€Å"In trait loneliness, the inherent traits of the person make him/her feel lonely,† (When Trait and State Loneliness Come Together). In other words, state loneliness is temporary, while trait loneliness is built-into a person and lasts a long time. State loneliness also largely depends on the situation a person is in. For example, a person could experience state loneliness when they move to a new school, as everything will be unfamiliar to them. However, trait loneliness has nothing to do with the situation a person is in. This is because their built-in traits and personality cause them to constantly feel lonely.CausesThere are quite a few reasons as to why someone might feel lonely. Gary J. Kennedy states that a person can feel lonely â€Å"due to death, geographic changes, or ‘lost contact.'† For instance, examples of death may be the death of a loved one, and having feelings of loss and grief for a period of time. Additionally, an example of a geographic change might be moving to a new state or country. People may also feel lonely because â€Å"they simply don't see or talk to anyone very often† or â€Å"even though they are surrounded by people, they don't feel understood or cared for,† (How to Cope With Loneliness). Furthermore, people who have friends may also feel lonely. The article â€Å"How to Cope With Loneliness† states, â€Å"You might feel that you have plenty of connections, but what is actually wrong is that you don't feel close to them, or they don't give you the care and attention you need.† All in all, there are many different ways a person could feel lonely. Physical EffectsFor starters, loneliness has physical effects on the human body. According to Gary Kennedy, loneliness can cause changes in the cardiovascular, hormonal, immune systems. For instance, people could experience heart damage, bone/muscle loss, higher infection risk, and frailty. In addition, the elderly have a higher chance of experiencing any of these risks. Furthermore, loneliness encourages artery erosion, high blood pressure, blood vessel damage, and deficient sleep. Turhan Canli, a professor of psychology and psychiatry, claims that â€Å"other illnesses and disorders are exacerbated in the presence of subjected social isolation.† In other words, loneliness has the capability of worsening previously owned illnesses and disorders. To illustrate, people who have Dementia could experience worsened symptoms if they are isolated for too long. The effects can be seen throughout the elder as feeling loneliness raises the risk of Dementia by 64%. Furthermore, there is also an increased risk of heart disease. Short term inflammation is crucial for the body to fight off infections, but when one is isolated for too long the inflammation turns chronic. Damaging the bodies tissues and blood vessels making them vulnerable to strokes heart attacks and other heart complications.(Biswas, 2015)Social EffectsAs most people already know, loneliness is a huge social problem. In fact, â€Å"According to researcher John Cacioppo at the University of Chicago, 20 percent of all people are unhappy because of social isolation at any given moment,† (Edmonds, Molly). Another statistic says that 1 in 5 Americans often experience loneliness. According to Hara Marano, psychologists have found that people have a â€Å"fundamental need for inclusion in group life and for close relationships.† That means that us humans need to have relationships in order to even survive. When we fulfill our social needs, it's noticeably easier to motivate ourselves and overcome challenges.When a person experiences excessive loneliness during childhood, they are more likely to be antisocial their entire life. As a matter of fact, most school dropouts happen because students failed to be social as children. â€Å"It sets in motion a course on which children spin their way to outcast status and develop delinquency and other forms of antisocial behavior,† (Marano, Hara).Mental EffectsAlong with having physical effects, loneliness can also affect a person mentally. To start off, there is a great correlation between loneliness and stress, as loneliness often leads to higher stress levels. In more intense conditions, loneliness can cause depression. This includes feelings of hopelessness, increased disability, weight fluctuations, bad sleep, suicidal thoughts, and more. The increase of stress levels causes excess stress hormones to be released, which can have a negative effect on the mind. For example, stress hormones can rewire the brain's hippocampus, the region of the brain mostly used for memory, emotions, navigation, etc. These hormones can affect a person's perception, Carol Schaeffer claims. She says that â€Å"The ‘internal GPS' of the brain is disturbed, depth perception is altered and where the body lies in relation to other objects in space in uncalibrated† (Schaeffer, Carol). In simpler terms, the release of excess stress hormones (due to loneliness) can change the perception of surroundings and sense of direction. Extreme loneliness can also cause hallucinations, especially in those who have experienced physical isolation for an extended amount of time. One extreme case of hallucination was the incident in 1895, where Joshua Slocum was circumnavigating the globe and said that he encountered Christopher Columbus' ship â€Å"The Pinta†. Where he claimed he spoke to the pilot of the ship, and that he also navigated his ship through heavy weather while he lay ill. Another extreme case was in 1933 when Frank Smythe attempted to climb Mount Everest. Where he became so convinced that someone was traveling alongside him that he even offered a piece of cake. (PsyPost, 2016) Despite the effects that feelings of loneliness can have on people, physical isolation has effects on people as well. One common example of pure isolation is solitary confinement, where prisoners are left in their prison cells for about 23 hours per day. According to Stuart Grassian, about one third of solitary inmates were â€Å"actively psychotic and/or suicidal.† Solitary confinement can cause panic attacks, cognitive difficulties, aggressive thoughts and fantasies, paranoia, loss of self control, oversensitivity, and hallucinations.One particular inmate that he interviewed said that he developed a strong obsession with the inability to feel his bladder was fully empty, he would stand hours on hours trying to pee. The obsessions they develop was a way for them to cope and maintain some sort of alertness.(PsyPost, 2016)Overall, the effects of physical and mental isolation are at a higher intensity than mental isolation alone because of the lack of social stimuli.Neurological Many changes occur in the brains of lonely people. For instance, studies have shown that loneliness was associated with higher levels of cortisol, often called a â€Å"stress hormone.† â€Å"Cortisol can help control blood sugar levels, regulate metabolism, help reduce inflammation, and assist with memory formulation,† (What is Cortisol?). This is because loneliness causes stress, which then causes cortisol to be released. High levels of cortisol can lead to Cushing's syndrome, a syndrome that causes extreme weight gain in the face and torso.Experiments have shown that loneliness correlates with the amount of activity in the ventral striatum, a region of the brain that is linked to reward processing and plays a role in learning. For example, a study done by the University of Chicago found that when viewing pictures of people in pleasant settings, people who were deemed as â€Å"lonely† showed less activity in the ventral striatum than people who were deemed as â€Å"not lonely.† That concludes that lonely people have a weaker reward system than non lonely people. Other experiments have shown that loneliness during childhood can cause lifelong abnormalities and cognitive problems in the brain. A professor of neurology and otolaryngology named Gabriel Corfas performed an experiment on mice to figure out the relationship between brain abnormalities and cognitive problems that were caused by loneliness. To start off, he took baby mice from their mothers when they were 21 days old. Then he put some mice in groups of 4 in a regular lab environment, some mice in a rich environment with lots of other mice, and some mice in complete isolation. After 50 days, the mice were tested on their social and memory skills. The mice from the regular and rich environments performed well, but the isolated mice struggled with both skills.Corfas then examined the mice's brains and found that the mice from the regular and rich environments had no abnormalities. On the other hand, the isolated mice had stumpy oligodendrocytes. Oligodendrocytes, which are cells in the brain that support and insulate axons (axons are the long and skinny parts of a neuron that transmit information to other neurons) help speed up communication between neurons by creating supportive blankets made of myelin and wrapping them around axons. Normally, oligodendrocytes have long, complex projections, but in this case, the isolated mice had oligodendrocytes with short and simple projections. Because the mice had stumpy oligodendrocytes, the blankets of myelin that were to be wrapped around their axons were thinner, so communication between neurons in their brain was slowed. A similar experiment was done by a professor of neurology named Dr. Michael J. Zigmond. He put a group of mice in an environment where there was lots of space, interaction with other mice, and exercise opportunities. This was supposed to represent a general prison environment. On the contrary, he put another group of mice in their own separated shoeboxes with very limited space and no exercise opportunities. â€Å"The way the housing is set up is very much like many solitary housing arrangements,† (Zigmond, Michael). In other words, this was supposed to represent solitary confinement. Overall, Zigmond noticed that the isolated mice had simpler, less complex neurons in their brains, few connections, and communication between neurons.A study conducted on the 1950s by the University of Wisconsin psychologist Harry Harlow placed rhesus monkeys in a custom isolation chamber in the shape of an inverted pyramid. The chamber nicknamed â€Å"the pit of despair.† Had sides that were made very slippery making it impossible to get out. The after a day or two of research, Harlow already started seeing a change in monkeys behavior. Harlow reported that the subjects were hunched over in a corner rocking back and forth for long periods of time, circling the cage and mutilating themselves. Those who were kept in for short periods of time were able to adjust easily as opposed to those who were kept in for twelve months. Those â€Å"Twelve months of isolation almost obliterated the animals socially,† Harlow stated.(PBS, 2014)In addition a test conducted with 38 lonely people and 32 people non-lonely people were given words and instructed to tag them as ‘social/positive', ‘social/negative', ‘nonsocial/positive' and ‘nonsocial/negative' to see the different ways they responded.' Subjects were attached to electrodes to read their brain waves. Lonely subjects became more attentive when were regarded as socially negative and also picked out socially threatening words more quickly. This suggesting that lonely people are subconsciously looking out for negativity. Non-lonely responded the same to both social and socially negative.(Richards, 2015) Human experiments are rare but a research conducted in 1951, researcher paid a group of male graduates to stay in small chamber for six weeks. The subjects were left in the chambers with goggles, earphones, and gloves limiting their sight, hearing, and touch. The only time they were allowed was when they had to go to the bathroom. CopingSome ways to prevent loneliness is to â€Å"Recognize that loneliness is a sign that something has to change.† Despite the fact that loneliness is a problem that can affect us negatively, there are many ways to cope with loneliness. What Can You Do To Help Someone Wh

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Disaster in Franklin County Essay

The Role of Health Personnel and the Public Health Nurse Public health personnel and public health nurses have many responsibilities in a disaster that are essential to a successful outcome for the community. Their primarily focus is on the safety and health of the public. The health personnel will assess the community’s available resources by providing the necessary assistance and identifying their specific needs related to the disaster. The health care personnel also have the role of educating the community and addressing any physical or psychosocial needs the community might have (Disaster in Franklin County: A Public Health Simulation, 2006). The health personnel will collaborate with the local health department to assemble resources that are required during a disaster and coordinate with community services to ensure the public’s basic needs are met. These services involve social services, volunteers and rescue workers (Disaster in Franklin County: A Public Health Simulation, 2006). The health personnel issue health advisories and allocate resources to match the needs of the disaster. This could include providing transportation to remove people from their homes during a flood. It is also essential that the health personnel communicates effectively with the public and media to provide updated information on how to obtain help, how to obtain basic necessities, potential health hazards and to reassure the people of Franklin that they are safe (Disaster in Franklin County: A Public Health Simulation, 2006). The public nurse’s role during a disaster involves helping patients in the emergency shelter for first-aid skills and administering medication. However more emphasis is being placed on population-based public health and disaster preparedness. Public health nurses have gained an increased knowledge about the community’s baseline health status, demographics, environment and exciting resources. Public health nurses now have an awareness of vulnerable populations in the community, who may be at risk in times of disasters. This includes the elderly, disabled, mental illness and non-speaking English residents (Berman, Erb, Kozier, & Synder 2006). The public health nurse will conduct door to door interviews. This is performed to complete a community assessment to determine who requires medical attention, who has any special needs, such as essential medications and medical equipment (oxygen, nebulizer, and dialysis) and if the community has sanitary food and water. The nurse must also provide imperative education to help keep the public safe, such as providing information about the local crisis call centers for additional care and support and local shelter. The nurse can refer them to proper resources such as social workers, counselors and shelters (Disaster in Franklin County: A Public Health Simulation, 2006). Chain of command The chain of command that was used in the Franklin County simulation includes the Incident Commander, Operations Section Chief, Medical/Health branch director, Public Health Groups, Public Health Nursing Supervisor and the Public Health Nurse. The Incident Commander is the decision- making final authority. The Operations Section Chief has the  responsibility for managing all operations, supervising organizations in accordance with the incident action plan and directs its execution. The Operation Section Chief also directs the preparation of operational plan, requests resources, makes expedient changes to the action plan when necessary and reports such to the incident commander (Wikipedia, 2013). The Medical/Health branch director will direct, supervise and evaluate work activities of medical and nursing. Public Health Groups will monitor health status and identify health problems, by investing health problems and health hazards in the community. They will evaluate the effectiveness, accessibility and quality of personal and population-based health services. Public Health Groups also develop policies and plans and enforce laws and regulations to protect the health and safety of the community. The Public Health Nursing supervisor is responsible for providing direction and assistance to the Public Health Nurse and evaluating their work (Wikipedia, 2013). The Public health nurse communicates directly to the County Public Health Director who is Zachary Burke. Zachary Burke works under the Operation Section Chief who is Rebecca Brower. Rebecca Brower directly speaks to Chris Newhouse, who is the EOC Commander. The Public Health Nurse will also collaborate with other specialists such as epidemiologists, biostatisticians, environmentalists, social workers and such during a disaster (Disaster in Franklin County a Public Health Simulation, 2006). The Community Nurse has many available resources to the Franklin community when he or she encounters a problem that is not within her scope of practice. A social worker can help individuals who are experiencing problems associated with housing, unemployment and finances. A social worker can also  refer individuals suffering from emotional distress to a counselor. An environmental Health Specialist can help maintain a safe environment by identifying potential environmental problems such as a gas leak or chemical spill. They can help educate the community on safety hazards and find solutions to eliminate any threat to the public by monitoring any possible dangers or environmental threats to the community (Disaster in Franklin County a Public Health Simulation, 2006). The American Red Cross can provide many resources that can help ease the community’s suffering caused by a disaster. The American Red Cross offers a great deal of emergency assistance such as shelters, cleaning supplies, comfort kits, first aid, food, clothing home repairs, household items, medical supplies, emergency transportation and etc. The American Red Cross can also provide referrals to the government and other agencies providing disaster assistance. Another resource that could benefit the community is the Federal Emergency Management Agency. This organization provides disaster assistance to individuals or families whose property has been damaged or destroyed and whose losses are not covered by insurance. Actions by the Public Health Nurse The first residence that the nurse performed a door to door interview was a man named Matt Westlund. Matt Westlund begins to tell the Public Health Nurse that his basement is flooded and the shelf in his shed had collapsed which caused all types of chemicals to spill. Mr. Westlund is seeking help on how to clean this chemical mess up. The public Health nurse responsibility is to seek help from an Environmental Health Specialist (EHS). The EHS will assess and determine the most appropriate way to clean up the house held hazards waste. The nurse must insist that Mr. Westlund does not attempt to clean up this mess and to wait until the Environmental Health Specialist arrives. The Public Health Nurse must provide Mr. Westlund  with information regarding how to clean a flood up (Disaster in Franklin County a Public Health Simulation, 2006). The second resident is women named Susan Fuhr. Susan is extremely frustrated and annoyed. This household is currently lacking the basic supplies such as electricity, diapers, water and baby formula. The Public Health nurse can give Mrs. Fuhr the option for her family to stay at a shelter for a few days where there are hot meals, electricity and plenty other supplies. If Mrs. Fuhr refuses to go to the shelter she can then refer them to social services. A social worker can help provide the Fuhr family with the proper resources to help Mrs. Fuhr take care of her newborn baby and the Public Health Nurse can provide them with one week of supplies (Disaster in Franklin County a Public Health Simulation, 2006). Rosario Alvarez is a Spanish speaking woman who was unable to answer the nurse’s questions because of a language barrier. Mrs. Alvarez requires Spanish materials on safe food, water and a generator. At this time there is no urgent matter that needs to be addressed. The  Public Health Nurse can arrange for a translator to make a visit with this family within a week to address safety regarding food, water and the generator (Disaster in Franklin County a Public Health Simulation, 2006). Jason Fugate has a history of hypertension and currently ran out of blood pressure medications. The Public Health Nurse’s priority is to find out Mr. Fugate’s medical history and to take his blood pressure. If his systolic blood pressure is greater than 150mmHg, Mr. Fugate will be advised to leave his home and go to the shelter where his antihypertensive medication can be administered. Since Mr. Fugate blood pressure is 112/73, I would arrange his medication to arrive by the next day (Disaster in Franklin County a Public Health Simulation, 2006). It is important that Mr. Fugate is informed on his  options and allows him to make his own decision. Mr. Fugate must be educated on the signs and symptoms of hypertension and when to seek medical attention. The public nurse must also make sure that he has the basic essentials such as clean water, food, electricity and a working phone line in case of an emergency. It is important that the nurse will follow up with all residents to make sure their issues were addressed. Addressing the community’s fears After the disaster, the community nurse must be willing to provide physical and emotional comfort to all the residents of Franklin County. The residents will suffer from anxiety, fear, sorrow and post-traumatic stress disorder. The community will be mourning the loss of their  loved ones and the loss of their valuables such as their homes and treasured items such as pictures. It is important that the community nurse offers guidance and support to these families by offering resources and making referrals specific to each family’s needs. The key to any recovery from a disaster is providing the community with the appropriate resources to help them rebuild their life. The basic resources include food, shelter and safety. Other important resources are family and friends. The community nurse can educate the community members on how to cope, use others for support and how to get further help if needed. It is essential that the community nurse reassures them that they are safe and in good hands. The community nurse must allow them to verbalize their concerns, opinions, and needs to help them with the healing process. The nurse must be calm, compassionate, and confident in order to help this community move forward and feel safe. Nursing personnel preparedness The first priority of the nursing personnel is to understand what his or her role is during an emergency crisis. They must be competent with their nursing skills and have the appropriate knowledge regarding an emergency response plan. The nurse must be educated on disaster preparedness and protocols to be able to respond adequately to a large disaster (Berman, Erb, Kozier, & Synder 2006). The Nursing personnel must also be aware of their community disaster plan and the warning signs associated with natural disasters in that specific area. It is important that they learn the local and state resources, so that they can make referrals to people when a disaster strikes. It is extremely important that the nurse is able to problem solve, critically think, and be able to work independently under stressful situations with very little resources and equipment (Berman, Erb, Kozier, & Synder 2006). The nursing personnel must understand the chain of command, the lines of authority, and communication during an emergency. They must be familiar with the potential health conditions that could develop during and after a disaster. Nurses must take an active role in participating in a disaster training program and emergency drills. They must be aware of standard personal protective equipment and when it is required. An extensive knowledge of infection control and barrier precautions will help the nurse prevent the spread of infection (Berman, Erb, Kozier, & Synder 2006). The nurse should first form a task force that includes a civil defense officer, private relief organizational representative, city/county officials, political leaders and media representatives. Together, the task force should involve the American Red Cross who has the expertise in guiding and developing the disaster plan. The disaster plan should include supplies, equipment, transportation, shelter, human resources, government officials, emergency and disaster specialists, weather specialists, recovery, evacuation plan and supportive care (Berman, Erb, Kozier, & Synder 2006). Nursing personnel must also be able to implement the four phases of the emergency management when a disaster occurs. This includes preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation. Nurses need to use nursing judgment to make decisions such as, where resources will be used and triaging patients to the appropriate level of care. The nursing personnel could be prepared to help in responding to large scale emergencies by taking Incident Command System (ICS) certification courses. These are provided by the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The ICS provides education to nursing personnel regarding emergency preparedness, incident management, and emergency response during a disaster. This is an excellent opportunity for the nursing personnel to gain knowledge and skills needed to serve their community efficiently and effectively during a natural or man-made disaster (Emergency Management Institute, 2013). Nurses can also benefit from taking the Integrated Emergency Management Course (IEMC), offered by the Emergency Management Institute (EMI) branch of the FEMA. This course provides emergency related scenarios that help test the nurse’s knowledge, awareness, flexibility, leadership, decision-making, and interpersonal skills under extreme pressure in the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) environment. After completion of the IEMC training for emergency preparedness, nurses will be able to apply their new skills, abilities and knowledge when a disaster strikes. This will also allow nurses to respond effectively under stressful situations (Emergency Management Institute, 2013). Another program that can benefit nursing personnel is the National Fire Academy (NFA). This course provides education and training in hazardous materials, emergency response to terrorism, arson prevention, detection, community risk reduction, fire prevention and protection (Emergency Management Institute, 2013). In addition, the National Disaster Management System also developed an organization, which is called the National Nurse Response Team (NRRT). This was established to provide additional resources during a disaster. This program is made up of a team of volunteer nurses that help during an emergency. Nurses within this program are certified and must stay current with training in order to provide help during a disaster. The training includes bioterrorism, biologic warfare, and disaster response (Public Health Emergency, 2009). Nurses that are not interested in becoming certified for disaster preparedness should then consider continuing education units (CEU) disaster relief training. This will at least provide a nurse with the basic knowledge to help serve their community if an emergency situation does occur. References Berman, A., Kozier, B., Erb, G., & Synder, S., J. Fundamentals of Nursing Concepts, Process and Practice. (2006). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. Disaster in Franklin County 12 Disaster in Franklin County a Public Health Simulation. 2006. Retrieved from: https:// Emergency Management Institute. 2013. Retrieved from: Public Health Emergency. 2009. Retrieved from: ndms/teams/Pages/nnrt.aspx Wikipedia. (2013). Incident Command System. Retrieved from: Incident_Command_System

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Current performance of Islamic bank around the world Dissertation

Current performance of Islamic bank around the world - Dissertation Example However, some countries such as Indonesia, Bangladesh, Egypt, Malaysia and Jordan are offering the services of Islamic banking through traditional banking services. In some countries like Pakistan, there are banks that are operating in accordance with the Islamic laws and at the same time there are some banks that are practicing conventional banking and at the same time some of their branches are offering Islamic banking services. Not only there has been an increasing trend of Muslim majority countries practicing Islamic banking products but certain Western countries including United Kingdom, United States and Australia have been also observing an increasing trend in regard to the Islamic banking. Although the industry of Islamic banking is still growing and an emerging industry, but in different parts of the world this industry has been achieving very high profits unlike United Kingdom. However in countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bahrain this industry has been growing. In Pakistan, Islamic banks have reported a profit of 5.7 PKR which is approximately 59% of the total market share in the year 2011 (The News, 2012).). In Bahrain, Islamic banking industry is also one of the fasted growing industries of the countries and still there are several opportunities in the countries (Laxman, 2011). In addition to this, Islamic banking industry is showing good progress and is giving tough time to traditional banks in several other western countries. Financial performance of Islamic financial institutions in UK United Kingdom and particularly London has been considered as an important market place by investors and in this part of the world; both Islamic and non-Islamic banks have inve sted. Initially Islamic banks started their services in London by offering simple products like house financing however with the passage of time the quality of products as well as the complexities involved increased (Ainley, Mashayekhi, Hicks, Rahman, and Ravalia, 2007). after analysing different opportunities for profits and growth, number of Islamic banks invested in United Kingdom and tried to capitalise on these opportunities. Some of the most prominent names of Islamic banks in UK are: Islamic Bank of Britain HSBC Amanah Lloyds TSB The products and services offered by Islamic banks are not only for Muslims but for non-Muslims as well and this is one of the reasons why it has become highly famous in UK despite of the challenges it faces. However recently the performance of the Islamic bank has not been satisfactory and the opportunities that every one identified had not been capitalised by these Islamic banks. This is one of the reasons why one of the leading Islamic banks, Isla mic bank of Britain had to be bailed out in the year 2010 by Qatar after several successive years of losses. After the financial crisis, the Islamic banks in United Kingdom have suffered a lot. Lloyds Islamic bank also removed its investment from United Kingdom as they did not see bright future in the country (Goodway, 2010). Islamic Bank of Britain which has been able to make a name in the United kingdom is also losing its customers. in 2009, the Islamic bank had lost almost 50,000 customers as the total loss of the bank increased to ?9.5 million from ?5.9 million. Considering the situation of the bank, IBB had to raise additional capital of 2009. Then

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Strategy and Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Strategy and Culture - Essay Example If the strategy does not fit the culture the organization and its people might experience confusion and uncertainty. If a strategy does not require major changes in the culture of the organization, it may be easy to adopt and it may not even consume ample amount of time. When two organizations join hands together it is very important that the organization pays emphasis to the link between the organization’s culture as well as strategy. For example: The merger of Compaq and HP was quite astonishing as the culture of both the organizations was quite different from each other (Fried, 2002, p.1). HP was focusing on a huge portfolio of products, they spent heavily on inventing new technology, the management style practiced in HP was such that the management was heavily involved in the organization and the decision making process of HP was quite professional in nature. On the other hand Compaq spent less on inventions, they had a smaller portfolio as compared to HP and the managemen t style was dictatorship like in nature because decisions were made on the top level and handed down to the lower level and they took heavy risks. This example clearly shows that there was a misfit between the cultures of the organization and the strategy of merging both the organizations. Fried, I. (2002, September 2). HP-Compaq merger: Worth the wait? - CNET News. Technology News - CNET News. Retrieved April 8, 2013, from Monash University. Faculty of Business and Economics. Department of Management, Threlfall, Mark, Yearn, Dan, & Haslett, Tim. (2003). An investigation into the link between culture and strategy using soft systems methodology and group analysis. Part 1 soft systems methodology.

Indian Camp and Barn Burning Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Indian Camp and Barn Burning - Research Paper Example s with the reality of cruelty in the world--with war, violence, death, racism, and hatred--while others deal with family, friends, or community issues† (2010). Both Hemingways Indian Camp and Faulkners Barn Burning transparently fit these criteria, but the stories have very different trajectories and symbolisms. While both Indian Camp and Barn Burning are coming of age stories, Indian Camps trajectory of responsibility has to do with the institutions and culture surrounding the phenomenon of death as well as the phenomenon itself, while Barn Burning has to do with realizing the limitations of ones parents and transcending them. In Indian Camp, Nick enters the story at an unknown age, but presumably as a younger teenager. He is young enough that his father feels that it must be explained that â€Å"This lady is going to have a baby†, but old enough that he knows what this means. But by the end of the story, Nick has been exposed to a trifecta: Death, birth and the connected sexuality, and pain and violence of a sort (Tetlow, 1992, pg. 53-55). He is exposed to the horrible blood and death of the Indian fathers suicide: â€Å"He pulled back the blanket from the Indians head. His hand came away wet. He mounted on the edge of the lower bunk with the lamp in one hand and looked in. The Indian lay with his face toward the wall. His throat had been cut from ear to ear. The blood had flowed down into a pool where his body sagged the bunk. His head rested on his left arm. The open razor lay, edge up, in the blankets†. He is exposed to sexuality and its costs by the birth of the child and by the relatio nship between the Indian woman and her husband. He is exposed to birth and its potential costs and dangers, and his father has to explain that not all births are that perilous. He is exposed to violence, to the way knives and razors both help and hurt. This is far too much for a kid to take in. Nicks father could be accused of callousness when he says, â€Å"But her screams are

Monday, August 26, 2019

How to write a catchy beer ad Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

How to write a catchy beer ad - Essay Example Ballard tells of the search for a memorable phrase, a hook that would catch on like the memorable ads that we always associate with a brand name. The music that the team of Evanston and Godsey provided seemed the perfect match with the simple phrase "...and twins". The advertisement was centered on the things guys like and was highlighted by the addition of sexy, buxom twins. The author explains the ads success is based around the simple beginnings of what guys like, accented by good music, and produced with humor. Ballard contends that it was the humor that set this advertisement apart from dozens of others and catapulted the twins into our pop culture memory. If rule number one in advertising is to know your audience, Coors Light hit a home run with this spot. The advertisement in inundated with the things that their target age group finds appealing. It relies on cars, sports, dogs, humor, and the concept that two is better than one. They were able to mesh these ingredients into an advertisement that would quickly be associated with beer. Coors was also able to handle the political correctness of sex in advertising with their attitude of using sexy not sex to sell their product. By adding enough light humor, just enough to make the guys appear a little silly, they were able to deflect the issue of women as sex objects and warrant the ad acceptable to women and girlfriends. Advertising, as a science, dwells on peoples response to an image or sound in an effort to portray things that are pleasant and appealing. The pictures need to be something we are compelled to look at. The music must be memorable, with a hook that echoes in your head days after you hear it for the first time. In addition, the advertiser needs to keep in mind the target audience while not offending the innocent viewers who may be able to influence the customer. The

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Economic Evaluations Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Economic Evaluations - Term Paper Example Estimates indicate that the cost of inpatient care for a case of chronic malaria ranges between US$ 12 and US$ 75 and this creates a substantial burden on inadequate resource base (Lubell et al., 2011). For al long time, Quinine continues to be vital the treatment of malaria in sub-Saharan Africa as well as other malaria prevalent areas. Contemporary studies indicate that in Uganda, doctors prescribed Quinine in approximately ninety percent of children under the age of five years diagnosed with mild malaria. These studies also indicate that the administration of Quinine in these children helped to reduce mortality to up to forty five percent from sixty seven percent (Achan et al., 2011). Quinine not only helps in managing mild malaria cases but it also remains the most widely used drug to treat severe malaria in sub-Saharan Africa. Parenteral quinine is very cheap since it costs only US$ 0.27 per ampoule and is extensively accessible in health systems across Africa. Its administration occurs either intravenously or intramuscularly, three times daily (Lubell et al., 2011). Quinine dispensed intravenously or with the direction of a study doctor for a 7-day period is an extremely successful treatment in sub-Saharan Africa, attaining cure rates of roughly 90%. However, the major impediment for efficient quinine therapy might be compliance to the full treatment course. In addition, Quinine imposes considerable side effects predominantly in extended treatment courses (Adegnika et al., 2005). Assessments of various quinine dosage routines have exposed fascinating trends even with seven-day treatment periods. For instance, doses of 10 mg/kg/day administered twice per day for 7 days often displayed failures of treatment in day 28 with high rates approximately 30%. In addition, increasing the quinine prescribed amount to 15 mg/kg per day or 20 mg/kg daily enhanced treatment effects, with rates of failure occurring at 8% and 14%.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

1.In 2003 the government outlined how Every Child Matters. Discuss Essay

1.In 2003 the government outlined how Every Child Matters. Discuss both the developmental needs of children, and the appropriate social work response, in rel - Essay Example The case of Victoria Climbe can be marked as a revolution in the history of reforms for the children. It prompted the government to understand the needs and requirements of the children in the world. As children grow up they have certain requirements which ought to be fulfilled and the scheme ‘Every Child Matters’ assures every child of his right. This article would further discuss the developmental needs of children and the appropriate social work response in relation to the outcomes of the scheme. Many of the children living in this world are deprived of their basic needs and hence the governments are implementing different schemes to ensure that the children are getting their basic needs. The scheme ‘Every Child Matters’ has a total of five aims to provide the children with their basic necessities Health is a basic necessity for all the people in this world and thus children ought to have all the facilities to maintain their health. The scheme is implementing different strategies to ensure that the children are healthy mentally, physically and socially both. The children ought to have their basic right to exercise different activities to ensure that their health is maintained. They require health facilities if they are undergoing any major problem with their health. The environment that the children are provided depends upon the state, parents and the school and thus this environment should be healthy. The scheme has made the concerned authorities aware of the n ecessities of these children. The societies in the UK have started working towards a better environment for the children. Different sporting events are organized by the scheme so that the children can participate and have a healthy routine. The schools in which the children are studying have an important obligation of maintaining the environment for the

Friday, August 23, 2019

Decision of AmeriTrade Toys to Move Production to Chins Essay

Decision of AmeriTrade Toys to Move Production to Chins - Essay Example This paper illustrates that the primary duty or responsibility of an organization is to maximize the profits for its shareholders and doing within the legal boundaries. Hence, the decision of AmeriTrade Toys was acted out of duty and is ethical. Another factor to consider here is that if it had not moved to its production the company would have suffered losses and as a result would have been forced to cut down the workforce. Therefore, either way, jobs would have been lost. The economic benefits of the decision are that it would make AmeriTrade Toys profitable and allow it to make products available at a lower cost to the customer. Also, it would create economic opportunities in China by creating jobs. But this would come at the cost unemployment at Middletown negatively affecting its economy. The social costs of the decision are that the Middletown community would be destroyed and at the same would promote poor treatment and standard of life for Chinese workers. An alternative to ou tsourcing was to reduce the wages of the employees at Middletown explaining them the economic situation and the need to cut down on wages. This would have helped them gain the trust of the employees and the community. Also, AmeriTrade could have adopted other cost-cutting measures wherever possible. It is not ethical for AmeriTrade Toys to continue using Wen Wai as a manufacturer until and unless improvements are made to the working conditions. It is the company’s duty to ensure proper working conditions for the labors. AmeriTrade Toys is responsible for all its stakeholders and it cannot ignore the conditions of workers just because it is outsourced. Therefore, AmeriTrade has to work towards improving the conditions of the workers or discontinue using Wen Wai as a manufacturer as it would be unethical.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Farm Bureau Federation Essay Example for Free

Farm Bureau Federation Essay The following year, the group put an end to its secrecy and opened it to all workers. The Knights of Labor advocated for several changes, some of which were earlier campaigned by NLU: creation of cooperatives, abolition of convict-labor competition, greenbacks, et al (Tindall and Shi, 19991, p. 914). However, the Knights of Labor was one step ahead of its time, accepting women and even black laborers. They also allowed membership to all workers, regardless of skills, which made the group extremely popular. While Stephens served as the fist leader, he gave way to Terence Powderly in 1879 (p. 542). He detested the use of strikes to fight for the labor and this led to some members backing out of the group. But the success of the Knights of Labor was still visible. In 1885, they led a victory against Jay Gould, a speculator. Gould had lessened the wages in his railroads. When the Knights of Labor intervened, Gould reinstated the wage cuts (p. 915). Victories such as these increased the popularity and membership of the knights of Labor. The group reached its peak in 1886 (p. 915). However, like all union groups at that time, the Knights of Labor fell down and ceased existence a few years later. Like NLU, the Knights of Labor attained marked achievements during its existence. For one, it was during its time when the Bureau of Labor Statistics was created (p. 916). Additionally, the Foran Act of 1885 was enacted, which castigated employers who would import contract labor (p. 916). Likewise, the Knights of Labor was responsible to instilling the value of unionism. The group fostered the sense of solidarity, uniting skilled and unskilled workers, regardless of sex, creed of color. At the same time of the Knights of Labor, another group had started to emerge. The American Federation of Labor (AFL) was created in 1886 to unite national craft unions (Divine, Breen, Fredrickson and Williams, 1991, p. 543). Founded by Samuel Gompers, the group became the most important, emerging union by the 1890s. Gompers believed that majority of the workers would be workers all their lives, thus his goal was to uplift the lives of the workers. By the turn of the century, the group had around 500,000 members, surpassing the Knights of Labor (Tindall and Shi, 1999, p. 919). However, unlike the Knights of Labor, the AFL excluded unskilled workers, along with women, blacks and immigrants (Brinkley, 2003. P. 496). This led women to form their own groups, such as the Women’s Trade Union League (p. 496). The presence of different labor unions, ironically, hindered the progress of American labor. Racial and ethnic discrepancies made it impossible to unite laborers. Additionally, the surge of immigrants made it unfeasible to organize well especially since workers, even the natives, were prone to move around to look for higher-paying jobs. But one major force that kept American labor to rise was actually America itself. Corporate organizations wanted nothing more than to cream efforts of workers to seek higher wages, less working hours and safe working conditions. The government also was unable to help the laborers, perhaps for fear that that these corporate giants would pull out, thus affecting the national economy. Workers did not share in the profits raked in by these corporate giants during the industrial age. As America began to take shape as an urban nation,, the idea of socialism, which was then popular in Europe, had started to shore up. While socialism did not really fly high in the country, there were attempts to restore industrial unionism (Tindall and Shi, 1999, p. 924). The creation of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) served as a stepping stone (p. 924). The IWW was rooted in â€Å"class struggle† and its existence was based on the idea that there should be â€Å"harmony† between the capitalist and the working class (p. 924). However, as will all groups, tensions among and between members were widespread. In the end, IWW went kaput during World War I. As the twentieth century was ushered in, American labor was still unrest. In 1902, the Farmers’ Union was founded, followed soon by the American Farm Bureau Federation (Tindall and Shi, 1999, p. 1214). Organized labor saw a few setbacks, especially with the occurrence of the Red Scare which gave a bad image to the unions. It also did that help that a world war broke, putting many people in a depression. Some people stood out during this time, such as Henry Ford who pioneered higher pay rates, shortened work weeks and started paid vacations (Brinkley, 2003, p. 651). Workers, for the first time in their lives, soon became eligible for pensions (p. 652). Welfare capitalism helped laborers gain economic benefits but still was not enough; there was still discrimination among blacks and other immigrants. In 1921, business groups in Chicago initiated the American plan, which gave the employee the right to hire anyone (p. 1215). It worked well in theory but in reality, it signaled discrimination against union members. Additionally, there was what they call â€Å"yellow-dog’ contracts which obliged workers not to enter any unions (p. 1215). Some employees even started churning schemes such as profit-sharing, pensions, helath-programs and other benefits to keep employees away from unions. Such propaganda eventually led to a decrease in union memberships. By 1935, Congress enacted the Wagner Act, which initiated collective bargaining agreement between employees and employers (Jordan and Litwack, 1991, p. 684). Additionally, the government established the National Labor Relations Board which was tasked to investigate labor-related cases (p. 684). AFL, which had survived, was having problems. Some AFL members founded the Committee for Industrial Organization (CIO) and in 1955 the two groups were merged (p. 685). President Roosevelt’s New Deal Reform had included the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 which reduced working hours and secured sufficient payment standards (p. 688). As the years passed on, American labor had managed to survive and progress. A changing environment for workers had started to shape, with both the government and corporations starting to see the plight of the laborers. References Brinkley, A. (2003). American history a survey 11th ed. USA: McGraw-Hill. Divine, R. , Breen, T. H. , Fredrickson, G. , and Williams, R. H. (1991). America the people and the dream. Illinois: Scott, Foresman and Company. Jordan, W. and Litwack, L. (1991). The united states combined ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Tindall, G. and Shi, D. (1999). America: a narrative history vol. 2 USA: W. W. Norton and Company.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

K to 12 in the Philippines Essay Example for Free

K to 12 in the Philippines Essay The Department of Education’s mission speaks clearly of the provision of a quality basic education that should be accessible to all and one which shall lay the foundation of a lifelong learning and self-actualization needed for citizenship at the local, national and global milieu. This mission can only be realized if indeed our educational system meets the challenge of the new millennium. Currently, educators just realized that our educational system has not been updated as to meeting the global competitiveness. It must be an acceptable fact that we have produced graduates who lack the skills, who cannot be recognized globally, and who do not possess entrepreneurial skills or the basic knowledge for higher education. I personally believe that it is high time that we start changing the educational system of the Philippines through the implementation of the K to 12 Basic Education Program. As a secondary school teacher, I have witnessed personally how our young generation graduates without having themselves equipped totally the basic knowledge they must have developed in the previous curriculum implemented in the schools. According to a survey, it is only the Philippines which has not adopted the 12 years basic education program in the whole of the Asia. This is the very reason why even if we have intelligent and globally competitive graduates, these graduates cannot still be recognized as professionals abroad because they lack the number of years to complete the basic education. Its implementation is actually a bold and a great challenge to curriculum developers and implementers (teachers) in our country. There are several problems that we have to overcome. But with everyone looking at one vision, holding hand in hand towards its successful implementation, lifting up each of our spirits – then the K to 12 implementation will have a successful journey. TERESA E. INDAC MAED-CMUGS

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Comparison of AWS and Rackspace SLAs

Comparison of AWS and Rackspace SLAs Name: Amulya Gajanan Dudhal Introduction: Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Rackspace are the two-leading public cloud service providers of the 21st century. The service level agreement laid down by these companies describes the level of service that can be expected by the user from the cloud service provider. The intention of a service level agreement is to let know the user what he/she will receive from the cloud service provider. The service level agreement is aimed at providing the cloud providers transparency in customer service. There are certain differences in the service level agreements of Rackspace and AWS. The most important factor a user considers when selecting a public cloud service provider is the uptime or the availability guarantee of the cloud service provider. Rackspace claims to have an uptime of 100% while AWS claims to have an availability guarantee of 99.95%. AWSs approach to this is more realistic which provides them with the right to have a downtime of 4.3 hours anytime in a year. In case of network failures, the user always wants to know the MTTR (Mean time to resolve) claimed by the cloud service provider. While AWS decides to not specify the MTTR, Rackspace claims to resolve issues in the time span of 1 hour. If Rackspace fails to resolve the issues in the time period specified, they owe the user credits for network usage as a penalty.   This is something that Amazon should include in their SLA. If AWS or Rackspace violates any clause specified by them in the SLA, the user/customer gets the right to notify the companies about the same. After notifying the company the customer must request for the credit from the companies. Amazon has to pay the customer a credit of 10% period while Rackspace owes the customer 100% credit if it vindicated. Also, if the storage service provided by the companies goes down for some time AWS offers 25% credit to the customer while Rackspace again owes the customer 100% credit. Both the companies might want to think about an automated credit function in events of downtime in their service. Also, Rackspace and AWS both provide recommendations to the customer on how the services offered by AWS and Rackspace best suit the customers case. Rackspace also has a flat rate across the multiple availability zones except for UK. Amazon on the other hand does not provide a flat rate across all the availability zones and has slightly higher rates in the UK, just like Rackspace. The foundation of cloud servers is built on shared resources. So, in the case of Rackspace the customer with the bigger Flavor (instance) is given top pri ority in a rack. But in the case of Amazon Web services, the customer gets the services he/she pays for. Variable performance is offered by Rackspace, while dedicated performance is the key feature of AWS. When it comes to storage Rackspace charges a customer with 10 cents/GB of storage, while AWS charges 14 cents/GB up to 1 TB of data storage. Outgoing bandwidth being an important factor, plays a key role in deciding the public cloud service provider for the customer. Rackspace charges the customer with 18 cents/GB. On the other hand, AWS does not charge the customer with a single penny for the first GB of outgoing bandwidth. But, later after the first GB, AWS charges the customer 12 cents/GB up to 1 TB. AWS, clearly is a win-win situation when it comes to outgoing bandwidth. Also, there AWS has key features of spot instances and reserved instances. Rackspace does not have any such feature to offer which can help the user reserve instances for future use with guaranteed performance . Rackspace is ideal for customers looking at services such as uptime, architectural guidance and managed services. But, AWS is more suited for customers looking for commodity capabilities at lowest costs. Amazon also has a separate storage service called as S3. It allows blob storage and retrieval for data from 1 B to 5 TB. Storage SLA of AWS thus covers blob storage and retrieval. Remote disks called as elastic blob store are reserved for EC2 instances. Rackspace on the other hand do not offer any separate storage service SLA. Bibliography: Spada, Stefano. Exploring Cloud Slas: Amazon Vs Rackspace Web Host Industry Review. Web Host Industry Review. N.p., 2017. Web. 11 Mar. 2017.

Nikola Tesla Essay -- biographies bio

Born in 1856 the son of an Orthodox priest in Smiljan, Croatia, Nikola Tesla had an early exposure to inventing. His mother, although unschooled, was a very intelligent woman who often created appliances that helped with home and farm responsibilities, such as a mechanical eggbeater. Young Nikola was schooled at home during his early years and later attended a school in Carlstadt, Croatia. He soon developed advanced skills such as doing calculus integrals in his head. He very deeply wanted to attend college and become an engineer, but his father wanted him to join the priesthood. When Nikola was seventeen, he caught cholera and made his father to promise that if he survived the illness that he would be allowed to go to college. Obviously, Nikola lived. At the Austrian Polytechnic School at Graz Tesla studied mechanical and electrical engineering. One day, one of his professors showed him a Gramme Dynamo that could be used as a motor and generator. Tesla looked at it and asked if the Dynamo could do away with its sparking communicators. The professor replied that it would be similar to building a perpetual motion machine. The idea of such a machine tantalized Tesla for years until one day at the age of 24 when he was living in Budapest working for the Central Telephone Exchange he had an epiphany and began making sketches that would soon develop into the world's first induction motor. After several unsuccessful jobs with German and French electrical power companies where he tried to improve their DC generators, 29-year-old Tesla came to New York City with four cents in his pocket. Nikola went to Thomas Edison with a letter of recommendation from a business associate of Edison's that read, "My Dear Edison: I k... ...aimed that he had perfected his "death beam". He died shortly after in the Hotel New Yorker, where he had been living. The next morning after Tesla died, when his nephew came to his uncle's room at the hotel, the body was gone and many of his papers were missing. Naturally, if Tesla indeed had invented anything that had to do with weaponry, the FBI would be interested. Thus, all the way up until 1952, Tesla's papers which were held on to by the government eventually made it back to his family. However, the papers having to do with the beams are still missing. Some people today believe that Tesla took that knowledge to the grave with him. Bibliography Text Sources all accessed April 2003:

Monday, August 19, 2019

Grapes of Wrath :: essays papers

Grapes of Wrath It is said that everything is done for a purpose, and if that purpose is not obvious, it could be evident within oneself. In The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck, the story not only entails the tale of the tragically poor, but also an uplifting sense of discovery. The story tells not only of the physical journey to California, but of the characters' spiritual travels as well. By examining the lives of Jim Casy, Tom Joad, and Ma Joad, one will see the enlightening changes that mark their lives through the depression. Jim Casy's journey is an astounding one. He begins his life as a preacher, yet decides one day that his work is invalid; sinful, in some way. He says to Tom, "'I used ta get the people jumpin' an' talkin' in tongues, an' glory-shoutin' till they just fell down an' passed out. . . An' then - you know what I'd do? I'd take one of them girls out in the grass, an' I'd lay with her. Done it ever' time. Then I'd feel bad, an' I'd pray an' pray, but it didn't do no good. Come the nex' time, them an' me was full of the sperit, I'd do it again. I figgered there just wasn't no hope for me, an' I was a damned ol' hypocrite. But I didn't mean to be.'" (Page 28) He decides that he is not noble enough to continue his work, and grows distempered when others ask him to preach the word of God. He spends his time with the Joad family gratefully, but little else. He does no real work to help them out; he spends most of his time thinking to himself. Although Casy repeatedly confesses his guilt for doing nothing for the family, he makes no real efforts to contribute, and remains on the sidelines. However, when Tom trips a policeman that was threatening to take everyone to the station, Casy takes the blame. "Casy turned to Al. 'Get out,' he said. 'Go on, get out - to the tent. You don't know nothin'.' 'Yeah? How 'bout you?' Casy grinned at him. 'Somebody got to take the blame. I got no kids. They'll jus' put me in jail, an' I ain't doin' nothin' but set aroun'.' A l said, 'Ain't no reason for -' Casy said softly, 'If you mess in this your whole fambly, all your folks, gonna get in trouble.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

War of the Rats Essays -- David L. Robbins Literature Essays

War of the Rats War of the Rats, written by David L. Robbins, and the movie Stalingrad, directed by Joseph Vilsmaier, are two excellent sources to be used in furthering one’s understanding of the second world war and specifically the battle of Stalingrad. Both of these sources cover generally the same material. They both are dramas about the battle of Stalingrad, yet each has their own unique perspective upon the war. These two sources can be used together to increase one’s knowledge on the subject at hand. War of the Rats, a book that has been recently published is basically a war inside of a war. It focuses more on a personal battle of two men then it does on the battle of Stalingrad on a whole. The book has four main characters and is mostly based on these people. Robbins seems more content on telling his drama he is revealing to the reader then giving actual historical accounts on the battle of Stalingrad. Robbins story starts out about the Russians skilled assassin, Army Chief Master Sergeant Visily Zaitsev. Zaitsev is a famed sniper, known for killing the opposing Germans with ease. The Germans realize how dangerous of a weapon Zaitsev is, and counter with their own master sniper, S.S. Colonel Heinz Throvald. Throvald is sent with one mission; kill Zaitsev. Also included in the plot of Robbins’ book are Tania Chernova, Zaitsev’s assistant, and Corporal Nikki Mood, a composite German soldier. Tanis Chernova and Vasily Zaitsev eventually fall in love. The novel eventually ends with the two master snipers, Throvald and Zaitsev, crossing each other’s paths. In somewhat of a cliffhanger, the book finishes off with both Throvald and Zaitsev putting crosshairs on each other’s head. Although it is very entert... ...ery educational. Both are based on factual events. War of the Rats is more about two individual people than the actual war, but still gives a brief overview about the battle of Stalingrad. Stalingrad focuses on the suffering of the German soldiers and probably is more useful than the War of the Rats in the sense that it covers the actual war more. However, both are highly recommended and go hand in hand. One would probably understand the importance of the Second World War on the Eastern Front in world history most if he or she looked into both sources. Works Cited Beschner, M. George, and Alfred S. Friedman. Youth Drug Abuse. Toronto: D.C. Heath, 1980. Dogan, Shamed. â€Å"Legal Drinking Age Should Drop to 18.† High 1997 February 14, 1997 Group Survey of 100 people. â€Å"Should the Legal Drinking Age Be Lowered to Eighteen?† May 25, 2000

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Psychology of Negotiation Essay

Abstract Every day we may negotiate with people many times without being aware of it. The social reality is actually a big negotiating table, and we are playing a variety of negotiators in different situations. In the community, you might have conflict with others, and in order to solve these conflicts, you need to negotiate. Negotiation, to some extent, is a psychological game. So if we have the knowledge of it, we can make a good deal. This paper talked about the significance of studying psychological of negotiation, people’s different needs, motives, and temperaments in negotiation which could help negotiators to make successful negotiations with knowing them. Also, how to deal with the emotion problems people may have during negotiations. Negotiation is an indispensable part of our daily life, because it happens in our lives almost every day. Once we get rid of negotiation, we’re going to lose many of our rights, and right then it’s hard to express our true thoughts, and even if there are conflicts of interests, we can not protect our own benefits. In essence, the direct reason that lead to negotiation is the demands of negotiating parties, or the demand of the organization that one represents, can not be ignored when the other party meet their demand. Therefore, the main purpose of two parties participating in a negotiation, are not only to pursue their own needs, but also to find an acceptable solution for both parties through the exchanging of views and consulting. Former U.S. President John F. Kennedy had a famous saying in his inaugural speech, â€Å"let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate.† On some level, negotiation is a mental game. We can learn from psychology that people’s needs, motives and behavior are closely related. What in a person’s mind affect his behavior, so psychology of business negotiation has important impact on the behavior in negotiation. Using psychological knowledge in negotiations will help people win the game. Psychology of business negotiation refers to various mental activities of negotiators in negotiations. It is a subjective reflection of negotiators towards variety of situations, conditions and other objective facts in negotiation. For example, when negotiator first meets the opponent in negotiation, and if the opponent is polite, sincere, and easy to communicate, the negotiator will has a good impression toward the other, and  he will be more confident and hopeful to make the deal. Being familiar with psychology in negotiation, will help negotiators handle a variety of complex negotiation problem flexibly and efficiently. I t is also significant for negotiators to develop excellent psychological quality, maintain a good attitude, judge the opponent’s psychological states and motives correctly, and predict and guide opponent’s behavior. The negotiator’s self-confidence in making negotiation successful, the sincerity towards negotiation, the management and control of emotion in negotiation, and the prevention and handling with obstacles are indispensable psychological qualities that guarantee successful negotiation. Therefore, negotiator should develop and improve their own excellent psychological qualities, and abandon the bad psychological behavior. The secret of negotiation is to grasp each other’s needs. Demand is the core of the negotiation. Needs and meeting the needs is the common basis for negotiation. For example, I have my own needs and the ability to satisfy others, and others have their own needs and the abilities to satisfy my needs. Therefore, we can satisfy each other, and this becomes the common basis of negotiation. Demand is a subjective state when one lacks something, which is a reflection of the needs of the people of a certain objective things, and that the objective needs of nature and society reflected in the brain. The demands in negotiation have several types: 1. Physiological needs: the original, basic, necessary needs for human survival, such as breathing, eating, drinking, sleeping, etc. No matter how tight, intense the negotiation is, the personnel participating in the negotiation must ensure to meet the physiological needs. The better we set up the dining, resting and entertainment in the negotiation, the higher the efficiency of negotiation is going to be. On the contrary, if people’s physiological needs can be satisfied, the negotiation can be directly affected. 2. Security needs: mainly refers to a person’s sense of security, stability and order. Business negotiators have strong security needs. To consider the credit security, the negotiators usually like to deal with old customers, and they feel scruples in dealing with new customers. In business negotiations, negotiators are generally concerned about the risks in transactions. For negotiators that are more sensitive, they would worry the condition of the main qualif ications, property, funds and reputation of the opponents. Sometimes they prefer to give up the attractive large  transactions, to select more solid small transactions or even give up the transaction. 3. Social needs: mainly represent the needs to seek and improve interpersonal relationship. Business negotiators have social needs. Negotiations are typical social activities. In a society that economy and culture are well-developed, people’s activities show their social needs. Social needs is a delicate and subtle needs, and it is related to one’s personality, psychological characteristics, experiences, cultural upbringing, habits, and religious beliefs. 4. Esteem needs: including being respected and self-esteem. To embody it is to hope one himself or herself having ability and achievements, be qualified for a job, be eager to get the appreciation of others, fame and glory. This kind of psychological needs showing in negotiation is that some people like to show their identity and authority, or others like to listen to people’s compliments and so on. The person who has a strong esteem needs might has aggressive and hostile behavior, or does not like to cooperate because of the working of psychological defense when his or her does not feel to be respected or the pride was hurt, and this will bring a big obstacle to negotiation. U.S. Oil Consortium would like to buy natural gas in Mexico with low price, so they had a negotiation about the price. The U.S. energy secretary believed that there was no potential buyer and Mexico would lower the price eventually since it was just a negotiation about money. However, the Mexicans needs w ere not only just selling natural gas at a good price, but also being respected and equal. And the Americans’ behavior looked like a bully for Mexicans, so the Mexico government decided not to burn the natural gas to the ground instead of selling to the U.S.. Therefore, any chance of making an agreement in politics is impossible. The case shows us that people may withdraw from the negotiation or give up the original plan of conducting transactions in order to safeguard the prestige and dignity. 5. Self-actualization needs: Self-actualization is to make one’s potential getting realistic. When you make the efforts to let others give you the special privilege, your satisfaction may reach a peak, and this is the representation of self-actualization. In actual negotiations, a strategy that people always use is to give the lowest offer, which is using this psychological phenomenon. â€Å"This is our best price†, is a typical example of using the psychology of pursuing self-actualization. In many circumstances,  negotiators are not on behalf of themselves, but on behalf of the organization to participate the negotiations. While they are trying to meet the individual needs, they also have to consider about the needs of the group or the organization. As a negotiator representing an organization, from the view of ethics, the needs of the organization should be put in the first place. One should try to satisfy the needs of group or organization through hard work. Where there is a need, there is a motive. Motive is the internal power to promote people to meet the needs. In other words, it is an internal driving force to promote people to do activities. The motive of negotiation is the driver to promote negotiators to make a negotiation to meet their needs. â€Å"Social motives determine negotiators’ preferences for resource allocation, that is, wheth er negotiators’ focus on maximizing collective or personal outcomes.† (Olekalns, M. & Smith, P.L., Jan, 2012) There are four-type motives of negotiation. 1. Economy-type motive: This kind of motive refers to that the negotiators are very sensitive to the economic factors such as transaction price and they take economic interests seriously. The negotiating behavior is mainly driven by economic interests. 2. Impulse-type motive: This means that the negotiators are impulsive in decision-making in negotiations, and their negotiating behaviors are induced by their emotions like irritation. 3. Misgiving-type motive: This means that the negotiators’ behavior is affected by suspicions and worries to cause the discreet negotiating behavior. 4. Adventurous-type motive: This means the negotiators like to take risks to pursue a more perfect outcome. Their negotiating behaviors are triggered by risks. When people have some kinds of needs but not be satisfied, they will have a nervous state of mind, and when they encounter the goal that can meet their needs, the nervous state of mind will turn into motives, to promote people engage in certain activities and achieve the goal. As a negotiator, one should have the insight to know the other party’s needs and motives, and adjust the negotiating strategy in order to have the control of negotiation. In business negotiation, the negotiators’ characteristics and personalities also have important impact on their negotiating behavior. â€Å"Personality clashes created via ‘posturing’ and ‘saving face’ can block progress in  negotiations.† (Hoffman, E., Dec, 2012) Personality affects the style, efficiency and effectiveness of negotiation. 2500 years ago, the ancient reek physician Hippocrates believed that the human body was filled with four basic substances, called humors. The four humors were black bile, yellow bile, phlegm, and blood. (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) The four humors form the four types of temperament. The negotiating personality of each temperament is power-type, convince-type, execute-type and misgiving-type. 1. Power-type: Power-type negotiator is a competitive opponent in negotiation. If you obey him, he will â€Å"eat you up†, and if you resist him, the negotiation will come to a dead end or be terminated. The best way to deal with this kind of people is to overcome hardness with softness. When they are furious or try to force one to make a deal, do not rush to refute or give it back, one should try his or her best to avoid direct conflict face to face, and be patient to listen. When the conflict is inevitable, one shall not surrender. One should use the facts to prove they were wrong, and fight back calmly. When you speak for the truth, they will be cool and may have respect and admire for you. It’s good to satisfy their self-esteem, stimulate challenge, make obstacles and induce risks to make the negotiation succeed. 2. Convince-type: The most common negotiators are convince-type in negotiation. They are shrewd, cautious, affable in appearance, and full of charm. They are good at discover and cater the opponents’ interest, and convince people gradually. Under many circumstances, even if they do not agree with other parties’ proposals, they would not refuse directly, and they always try to convince the other parties or illustrate their reason why they do not accept. The best way to deal with this kind of people is to persuade them repeatedly, because they like to hear from others and love to take advices. As long as your products fit their needs, and the price is reasonable, they will take it eventually. In addition, they are concerned about relationships, and they do not like making conflict, so repeated persuasion will be very effective. It’ll be good to make small conflicts and prepare some compliments and many questions in details to make the deal quick in negotiation. â€Å"It’s a fact of life that dealing with an intelligent well-balanced person will be the toughest negotiation, but it also offers the prospect of creating a genuine â€Å"win-win† agreement in the shortest possible time.† (Palmer, A., 2006) 3. Execute-type: The negotiators have  this kind of temperament can not work independently in negotiations. They like to play by the rules and implement with the plan in advance toward superiors’ orders and instructions. They usually do not have their own ideas and insights, and they lack of the ability to think and imagine. They often have poor decision-making and adapting ability. Trying to keep the status quo as it is is their greatest wish. The most effective way to deal with this kind of people is to be calm, patient and try to use more detailed information and precedents. They like safe and orderly negotiation. As far as possible to negotiate as planed when they are your opponents. They are concerned about the details, so try to show more information to support your idea and gain their trust. It’s good to divide negotiation to some periods with specific goals, and try to speed up the process of negotiation. 4. Misgiving-type: This kind of opponents have strong security needs and risk awareness. They always have scruples when dealing with new customers. They are worried about having disadvantage and being cheated, so they are anxious for gains and losses, sensitive, suspicious, defensive, close-minded and critical. They like to spy on their opponents’ minds, so it is advised to take a moderate negotiation with them. The effective way to deal with them is to provide more witnesses, evidences and other proofs. This kind of opponents is very suspicious. Whatever you say, they want to confirm to be assured. If you fool them with one answer, it seems to be impossible to gain their trust again. You have to be honest and passionate with these people. It is good to be cautious with your behavior, give them time to consider, make small conflict when they are doubted with the apparent facts. Therefore, when we observe and understand the opponents’ types, we can accept their shortcomings and deficiencies calmly, and take effective measures according to their psychological characteristics to control the direction of negotiations. Although we know the types of people we are going to deal with in negotiations, everyone has emotions that may blow off the negotiations. Business negotiations are complex and variable, and both parties’ emotions may fluctuate with the process of negotiation. Being too emotional is not good for negotiation. â€Å"The most successful negotiators are able to rise above the emotional aspects separating the people from the tasks.† (The Psychology of Negotiation) We have to make effective regulations on emotions of each party, we can make the negotiations proceed  in the way we expected. Negotiators should have self-control of their emotions. Whether the negotiations are going well or bad for their own party, they should be ratio nal rather than being manipulated by the opponents. â€Å"Mueller and Curhan found that negotiators with emotionally intelligent opponents were more satisfied with the negotiation outcome, liked their partners better, and were more willing to engage in future negotiations with the same partner than those negotiators with opponents who did not understand emotion as well.† (Gelafand, M.J., Fulmer, A. & Severance, L.) Sometimes people can use good-cop, bad-cop strategy to control the opponents in order to make the deal. U.S. tycoons Howard Hughes once wanted to buy a fleet of aircraft. Because he wanted to purchase a huge amount, it was a very good deal for the manufacturers. But Hughes stated that he wanted to write down his specific requirements on the agreement which were 34 clauses totally, and the manufacturer had to fulfill 11 clauses of the requirements. Hughes’s attitude in the negotiation is domineering, and hard-lined. He refused to consider about others, which aroused the anger of the manufacturer. At last, the m anufacturer announced that they would not have any negotiation with him. So later, Hughes sent his private representative to come forward to negotiate, and finally they made the deal with fulfilling 30 clauses of the requirements. But how did the representative win the negotiation? The answer is simple. Every time they had a conflict, the representative would ask, â€Å"Who do you prefer to settle this problem with, me or Howard Hughes?† So they eventually made it work by playing â€Å"good-cop and bad-cop†. Negotiation is an activity we may have to participate almost every day. Where there is a conflict, there will be a negotiation or compromise. However, we could use psychology to analysis people’s minds and behavior in negotiation to help us make a successful negotiation. Reference Hoffman, E.(Dec.2012). For dealing with the psychological factors that can block progress in negotiations. Retrieved from Homorism. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved from Gelafand, M.J., Fulmer, A. & Severance, L. The psychology of negotiation and mediation. Retrieved from Olekalns, M. & Smith, P.L..(Jan,2012). Psychological aspects of negotiating strategies and processes. Melbourne Business School. Retrieved from Palmer, A. (2006). Psychology and Negotiation. Negotiation. Retrieved from The Psychology of Negotiation. Training, LLC. Retrieved from

Friday, August 16, 2019

Failure and Life Essay

Everyone wants to learn the secrets of being successful in life. There are many people who have achieved success in this world. Success doesn’t come to those who wait†¦.. And it doesn’t wait for anyone to come to it. Most successful men have not achieved their destination by having some new talent or opportunity presented to them. They have developed the opportunity that was at hand. The difference between failure and success is dong things nearly right and doing a thing exactly right. Nobody is born a success, they create it. Knowing the secrets of success and correctly implementing them will certainly help one to achieve success in life. â€Å"Why, all men strive and who succeeds?† asks Browning. Every man wants to have success in life, but few are able to achieve it. Those who fail are in the habit of attributing their failure to bad luck, to unfavorable circumstances, to the hostility of enemies, to everything except their own defects and shortcomings. Yet if we study our own lives impartially, we will have to admit that our failures are mostly due to our personal defects and seldom to external circumstances. The age-old doctrine is that if we are able to know our own merits and demerits we should be able to correct our defects. Self-confidence is essential for success â€Å"Self-trust†, said Emersion, â€Å"is the first secret of success†. We must have confidence in our capacity to triumph over all obstacles. Timidity and nervousness lead to hesitancy. Another quality that goes hand in hand with self-confidence is the possession of a strong will and determination. If we have will, we will find the way to do a thing. We must summon all our powers, physical and mental, and bring them to bear on the performance of a work. It there is this single-minded devotion, success is bound to come. Of course, success can come in those fields of life in which one’s aptitudes find sufficient scope and one’s ambition is related to one’s powers and parts. Therefore, we must know how to choose our vocation, according to our taste and temperament, our capability. We must have pleasure in our work. Often failures in life come through a mistaken choice of life’s vocation. If we are able to choose our career according to our natural inclinations, the chances of success are very bright. Another important quality is to know and seize an opportunity when it comes our way. If we let opportunity pass, another may not come for years. Man is the architect of his own destiny. A study of the lives of great men bears this out. Those who talk about destiny and the stare are only allowing external forces to get the better of us. The fact often is that most of us have not determination enough; the lives of most of us are full of hours spent in indolence, of opportunities wasted. Let us, therefore, if we want to succeed in life, fight with all our might against doctrines, which make us, lose self-confidence and destroy our initiative. It is no use trying for the impossible. ‘One must not hitch one’s wagon to a star.’ The impracticable is undesirable. Everything in the world is worth attempting, if it lies outside the reach of a man. Prevention is better than cure Outlines : It is an old saying which holds true in daily life. Tt means that we should prevent a disease by observing a simple rule of ‘hygiene instead of later on letting the disease spread and require loti of efforts for its cure. Prevention is always better than cure because i,t nips the trouble in the bud. This principle is highly useful in daily life and can save a lot of botheration vvhich.woukl , otherwise have to be faced. ‘A stitch in time saves nine’ is another saying which means more or less the same thing. Essay : ‘Prevention is better tnan cure† is a wise saying which ha^ comedown to us since ages. It holds true for ever. The wisdom of the saying lies in the fact that a little effort in the early pha^ of a problem helps to solve it before it becomes too difficult to be solved. This principle is always observed by wise people to succeed in life. Those who do not observe this principle usually suffer even if they are intelligent and hard-working. Observance of this principle becomes a part of one’s nature ; indifference to this principle also becomes a bad habit leading to uneasy consequences. If one sees symptoms of a disease, it is advisible to immediately go to the doctor, get it diagnosed and follow the treatment. Any negligence at the earlier stages of a disease leads to complications and deterioration. Going to the doctor at a late stage will not only mean more expense but may also endanger the life of the person. Prevention is, therefore, better than cure. Unclean stat e of affairs in one’s household can lead to many diseases. The members of one’s family can catch malaria or any other disease owing to the mosquitoes that multiply in an unclean place. Stagnant water, dirty latrines, unclean floors and dirty and stale food, over-ripe fruits and the like can cause so many diseases whose cure will cost a lot of botheration and money. It is better to remove all these unclean habits and prevent the occurrence of the disease. Prevention is better than cure again. If one is a student, it is better to study regularly. If one ignores one’s lessons in the early stages so as to work hard during the examination days, one is in for trouble. One’s early carelessness can cost one success in the examination. One should study tiie lessons regularly in keeping with the requirements of the class, under instructions of the teacher, if one wants to fare well in the examination. One should prevent failure than face the failure and try hard to overcome it. One may have to hire a costly tutor or lose one’s health—physical and mental—to recoup the lost time. Prevention is better than cure again. The principle also holds good in the matter of building good habits. If a person wants to develop good habits » he must lay a sound foundation for them. To keep to the morals and principles of good character, it is desirable to avoid bad habits of drinking, smoking, etc. Once† one starts on the wrong lines, there is no end to the dirty ways. It is always better to avoid dirty habits from early childhood. We should nip the evil in the bud from the very beginning. â€Å"MY GRANDPARENTS MY ROLE MODEL† Grandparents are an important part of every child’s life, because they can give valuable and positive directions. Their unconditional love, warm, and strong bond they had with their grand children helps to the growth of a child as it has on me. The habit of helping to look after one’s grandchildren is only present in members of the human race. No other known animal on the planet seems to have this particular trend. Strangely also, the tradition of grandparents playing an important role in the birth and upbringing of grand-children seems to be a universal trend among humans. All of us know grandparents as symbols of wisdom; they speak from experience and tell us how to go to where they have been. They may not be up to date in matters of science and other branches of knowledge but they would have been through the ‘school of hard knocks.’ It is grandparents who tell us that though money and other symbols of wealth are nice to have, the real values in life are of the non-material kind. They themselves had probably discovered this through a lifetime of pain and sorrow. It is very unfortunate today that, as part of the modern life-style, we are losing contacts with our grandparents. It is just not wise at all, but it is happening all around us, that after five million years of evolution, we are now discarding some of the most beautiful aspects of being a human. Pushing grand-parents out of the scene is one of them. Many of them are being exiled in old people’s homes, where being deprived of something useful to do and of being loved and wanted, they waste away to early ends. One can only hope and pray that the trend will be reversed, if not for the sake of our grand-parents for the sake of the wisdom they have to offer all of us.